

Microsoft 365 ロードマップ | Microsoft 365

We’re updating how 3rd party storage providers work in Outlook on the web. To offer an enhanced experience and easier management we are retiring the ThirdPartyFileProvidedrsEnabled and OneDriveAttachmentsEnabled parameters and replacing them with the new AdditionalStorageProvidersAvailable parameter.

This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 52597.

This feature is not available for Office 365 subscriptions in GCC.

How does this affect me?
This update includes the following changes:

The parameter ThirdPartyFileProvidrsEnabled will no longer control 3rd party storage providers
The parameter OneDriveAttachmentsEnabled will no longer control OneDrive for personal accounts
The new parameter AdditionalStorageProvidersAvailable adds additional 3rd party storage providers to the ones you had before in Outlook on the web, new providers include OneDrive for personal accounts, Google Drive, and Facebook.
This new paramater will be set to $True (“on-by-default") starting on August 15 for Targeted Release customers and 8/30 for Standard Release customers.
The parameter will be available for you to change it in late July, and the change in the availability of 3rd party storage providers will be gradually rolling out to Targeted Release customers on August 15, and to Standard Release customers on August 30.

Note: OneDrive for Business is not affected by this change or included in this new parameter.

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?
If you want your users to have access to 3rd party storage providers in Outlook on the web, there is nothing you need to do. They will see the providers when we make the update.

If you don’t want your users to have access to 3rd party storage providers in Outlook on the web that are not part of your Office 365 commercial subscription, then:

1. If you are in Targeted Release – Before August 15 you will need to make a change in the set-OwaMailboxPolicy cmdlet using PowerShell.

2. If you are in Standard Release – Before August 30, you will need to make a change in the set-OwaMailboxPolicy cmdlet using PowerShell.

Please, read the additional information link to learn what parameters you need to change from $true to $false in set-OwaMailboxPolicy.








Set-OwaMailboxPolicy -id [ポリシー名] -AdditionalStorageProvidersAvailable $false






Posted by tera